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Wall Street Business Philanthropist Peter Grandich Interviews 5Help Co-Founder Drew Paglia

100% of All Donations Go Towards Helping Others!!

100% of Your Donation Goes To 5Help Recipients. 0% Administration Fees. 100% Volunteer Teen Run Organization. GOLD SEAL RATING BY GUIDESTAR!!

Over 54,000 Community Service Hours Provided !!

5Help Challenges
"Changing Lives $5 At a Time"

Select Your $5 Challenge & make a difference with
Teen Founded & Run 5Help Foundation 501(c)(3).

Total Amount Raised All Challenges


Total Grants Received: $7,000
& over 65,000 pounds of food/personal care items filling 40 trucks for 7 pantries in 4 counties; 3,300 pairs of shoes; over 5,000 coats/winter items; over 35,000 pounds of clothes; over 3,500 snack & hygiene bags for the homeless; over 25,000 holiday gifts & baskets for kids/seniors; 6,000 books; 900 backpacks w/ supplies, thousands of diapers, wipes & more! Thousands helped! We couldn’t do this without you!!!
100% of Donations Goes to Helping Others & are Tax Deductible!! NJ 501(c)(3) Nonprofit. 100% Volunteer Organization – NO PAID 

Support All of Our 5Help Efforts!

Please support our year round efforts of helping the elderly, veterans, foster kids, homeless, children & families in need & so much more. $5 WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 

You can also start your own fundraiser to help & earn service and leadership hours! It only takes 5 minutes to set up using our 5Help platform! Want to volunteer with 5Help? Email us at contact@5Help.org.

$5 to support 5Help Efforts - 100% goes to helping others!!

5Help Volunteers Backpack

Feature Challenge of the Week

Support Winter Wonderland 2024 Giving Tree

Could you help make our Winter Wonderland community event even more magical by donating to our Giving Tree?

Individual Donation: $25

Family Donation: $50

Corporate Sponsorships

Click Help Winter Wonderland to learn more!

You Helped Us Raise Over 65,000 lbs of food before! Now we need you again! Help us stock the shelves of food pantries across the U.S.! Start your own fundraiser to help and earn service and leadership hours to help your own local food pantry! It only takes 5 minutes to set up using our 5Help platform!


2. Autism/Inclusion/Anti-Bullying Awareness & Tips4Inclusion

Support 5Help’s amazing partner and board member, 24-yr-old, Tim Rohrer, who has autism. He continues his mission of spreading awareness, inclusion, and advocating for kids, teens, and adults with disabilities across the US & internationally. Funding will help pay for software to continue making his videos and other resources as well as help get his new books published. 

IMG 6833

3. Help Support our 5HelpFresno Chapter!

Our 5HelpFresno Chapter is doing amazing work!! Please help them grow by supporting their mission to help the community. $5 WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 

You can also start your own fundraiser to help & earn service and leadership hours! It only takes 5 minutes to set up using our 5Help platform! Want to volunteer with 5Help? Email us at contact@5Help.org.

Veteran - Hands Reaching Out To Hands

4. Seniors & Veterans In Need

Over 2,000 seniors and veterans received food, gifts, services, from the small businesses we buy from so your donation has had double impact! Senior citizens are in need of support and supplies. Find out how you can help! We are stronger together!

Larry Lindstrom Quadriplegic

5. Help Business Philanthropist Peter Grandich On His Quest to Help Give Quadriplegic 69-Year-Old Larry Lindstrom a New Lease on Life!

Over $16,000 Raised!

100% of your donation through 5HelpFoundation will go towards helping Larry integrate into the community by being able to move from his long-term care facility in Manchester, NJ to obtain an accessible apartment near a downtown and public transportation. Your donations will also help him retrieve personal items from a storage facility and obtain adaptive devices and assistive technology.


6. Food Bank/Homeless Relief Across The USA

Total Raised: Over 65,000 lbs of food & personal care items! Help stock the shelves of food banks across the country. The need is at its peek. Also supporting organizations & individuals who help the homeless (many are veteran, children & families who have lost their homes during COVID-19). Start your own fundraiser to help in your area. 5 minutes to set up. Contests/Prizes, awards & recognition for fundraisers!

Jenn Suto Cancer Fundraiser

7. In Loving Memory of Jenn Suto, beloved wife and mother of two boys

Over $37,000 raised!!

Thursday, July 11, a beloved Millstone resident Jennifer Suto, 41, passed away peacefully after a battle with cancer. Jenn leaves her wonderful husband Rob, and two beautiful boys ages 2 and 4. Her oldest son has autism with complex dietary restrictions and many therapies and specialist appts.

Please consider a donation made in memory of Jenn that will go directly to support this family as they pick up the pieces and figure out how to do life without their wife and mother. Money donated will be used towards medical bills, food, childcare costs as Parker’s extended school year wraps up just as Rob is slated to return to work in August. If there are additional funds leftover, they will be used for healthcare costs or funds for the boys.
Jenn was an amazing and caring wife and mom. Let’s flood the boys she left behind with a legacy of that love to lift them up in their hour of need.
kids hands

8. Kids $5 Make A Difference Challenge

For kids 3 – 12 who want to help others. Start your own fundraiser in 5 minutes to help an individual, business, or organization of YOUR CHOICE or join one of ours. We provide everything you need and 100% of profits goes to who you are raising funds for. Contests/Prizes, awards & recognition for fundraisers! Who do you want to help?

Drew Paglia & Heather Paglia, founders of 5Help.org who helps raise funds to feed heroes & victims of COVID-19 while supporting local merchants.

9. Teens $5 Make A Difference Challenge

For teens 13 – 19 who want to help others. Start your own fundraiser in 5 minutes to help a charity/individual of your choice or join one of ours.We provide everything you need and 100% of profits goes to who you are raising funds for. Contests/Prizes, awards & recognition for fundraisers! We make it easy to help!

OVI Healthcare Organization

10. Help Orphans & Vulnerable Women in Kenya

Please help OVI Healthcare a nonprofit who Helps Orphans & Vulnerable Women in Kenya.

For $5/mo, will you be part of that miracle? Click HELP for more information & see how you can make a major difference in the lives of others!

Shoe Fundraiser

11. More Fundraisers Coming Soon!

Back To School Suppliesand Diaper Drive

12. More Fundraisers Coming Soon!

When you donate, you have the option to support different efforts and you can donate to more than one. Volunteers are needed too!

5Help.org Latest Update

September 15, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Our teen team (and adults) at 5Help Foundation want to THANK ALL OF YOU for helping us surpass $500,000 in donations!!

This doesn’t include all of the food and clothing that has been donated to help others!

This wouldn’t have been possible without your support to all of our different efforts and fundraisers! It is amazing what has been accomplished in a little over 4 years with thousands helped!!

We are always looking for volunteers and sponsors so please reach out to us at contact@5help.org.

Remember all donations are fully tax-deductible! We help areas of need & crisis $5 at a time. We need your help & it only takes $5! Please share with 5 friends & ask them to do the same!

Please see our top areas of support which will be expanded as time goes on.  Feel free to send us your ideas on areas that need help.  

THANK YOU for your continued generosity and support!

Scroll further down and you will see our Facebook feed posts on this site.

Drew, Tim, & Heather

As Seen On

“New Jersey teens Drew and Heather Paglia raise money for COVID-19 relief with their website 5Help.org”
As Seen on Fox @ Friends Nationwide​

Want to continue making a difference? Join the 5help Team as a VOLUNTEER from any part of the world as we tackle areas of immediate need.

No excuses, just action, let’s GO!

VIDEO: Summerlin NICU Night Shift Crew Las Vegas, Nevada saying thank you to supporters of 5help.org for the food they received while working to help fragile newborns.

Back To School Suppliesand Diaper Drive

5Help with Mike Sugerman WCBS880

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4 weeks ago

A wonderful article about 2 of 5Help’s greatest supporters. The Grandich’s are a generous and caring couple guided by their faith. We are fortunate to have them be such a big part of 5Help and this article is well deserved. Thank you for all you do to help others! ... See MoreSee Less

Video image

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thank you5Help

3 months ago

And that’s a wrap for 2024!! We can not wait to see what new opportunities come to us in 2025, but before then, we want to thank all of the amazing people who have trusted us to help! We couldn’t be where we are at without all the love and support we recieve and allowing us to help and serve our community! Let’s make 2025 an amazing year of helping Fresno county and new opportunities!

Happy New Year!! 🎉
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1 CommentComment on Facebook

Great job 5Help Fresno!!

3 months ago

Thanks to our generous donors, 5Help.org delivered over 250 presents to children in the hospital with cancer before Christmas at @rutgerscancerinstitute and The Children’s Hospital at Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick.

This one had a personal impact because 5Help co-founders, Drew & Heather, had a cousin, Jessi Bucior, who had been diagnosed with Wilms tumor at 3 years old and passed away in the hospital (now known as Rutgers Cancer Institute) when she was only 16. We hope these gifts will bring a little smile to their faces as they undergo treatment. #KidsWithCancer #5Help #Cancer #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #newbrunswick #rutgerscancerinstitute
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Thanks to our generous donors, 5Help.org delivered over 250 presents to children in the hospital with cancer before Christmas at @rutgerscancerinstitute and The Children’s Hospital at Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick. 

This one had a personal impact because 5Help co-founders, Drew & Heather, had a cousin, Jessi Bucior, who had been diagnosed with Wilms tumor at 3 years old and passed away in the hospital (now known as Rutgers Cancer Institute) when she was only 16. We hope these gifts will bring a little smile to their faces as they undergo treatment. #KidsWithCancer #5Help #Cancer #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #newbrunswick #rutgerscancerinstituteImage attachment
3 months ago

Thanks to our generous donors, 5Help.org delivered over 250 presents to children in the hospital with cancer before Christmas at Rutgers Cancer Institute and The Children's Hospital at Saint Peter's University Hospital in New Brunswick.

This one had a personal impact because 5Help co-founders, Drew & Heather, had a cousin, Jessi Bucior, who had been diagnosed with Wilms tumor at 3 years old and passed away in the hospital (now known as Rutgers Cancer Institute) when she was only 16. We hope these gifts will bring a little smile to their faces as they undergo treatment. #KidsWithCancer #5Help #Cancer #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #newbrunswick
... See MoreSee Less

Thanks to our generous donors, 5Help.org delivered over 250 presents to children in the hospital with cancer before Christmas at Rutgers Cancer Institute and The Childrens Hospital at Saint Peters University Hospital in New Brunswick. 

This one had a personal impact because 5Help co-founders, Drew & Heather, had a cousin, Jessi Bucior, who had been diagnosed with Wilms tumor at 3 years old and passed away in the hospital (now known as Rutgers Cancer Institute) when she was only 16. We hope these gifts will bring a little smile to their faces as they undergo treatment. #KidsWithCancer #5Help #Cancer #cancerresearch #cancertreatment #newbrunswickImage attachment

7 CommentComment on Facebook

This is awesome! 👏🏼

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3 months ago

Thank you, Ayaan, for your dedications and contributions to making 5Help a success! ... See MoreSee Less

Thank you, Ayaan, for your dedications and contributions to making 5Help a success!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thank you 5Help.org for this and for all the great things that you do to give back to the community! So proud of you Ayaan!

3 months ago

There are so many people to thank for the over 1,500 toys 5Help.org distributed for Christmas 2024. This post represents what was given to support foster children that will be distributed by @thevillagenj who does incredible work. We want to thank our wonderful partners the Conoscenti Family @conoscuts_barbershop Cono Bartolo Jolene Conoscenti conoscuts_barbershop @jolenecono, Mr. Frank Pugliese from @frogbridgedaycamp for his continued amazing generosity, @soniag226 , the Ragosa Family @ragosaemilio @spiesrus, the Blythe Family @jblythe2 & the Grandich’s Peter Grandich Mary Grandich #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #fosterkids #fosterkidsmatter ... See MoreSee Less

There are so many people to thank for the over 1,500 toys 5Help.org distributed for Christmas 2024. This post represents what was given to support foster children that will be distributed by @thevillagenj who does incredible work. We want to thank our wonderful partners the Conoscenti Family @conoscuts_barbershop Cono Bartolo Jolene Conoscenti conoscuts_barbershop @jolenecono, Mr. Frank Pugliese from @frogbridgedaycamp for his continued amazing generosity, @soniag226 , the Ragosa Family @ragosaemilio @spiesrus, the Blythe Family @jblythe2 & the Grandich’s Peter Grandich Mary Grandich #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #fosterkids #fosterkidsmatterImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment
3 months ago

There are so many people to thank for the over 1,500 toys 5Help distributed for Christmas 2024. This post represents what was given to support foster children that will be distributed by thevillagenj who does incredible work. We want to thank our wonderful partners the Conoscenti Family Cono Bartolo Jolene Conoscenti conoscuts_barbershop, Mr. Frank Pugliese from frogbridgedaycamp for his continued amazing generosity, Sonia Leonor, The Ragosa Family Maria Polacco Ragosa Emilio Ragosa, the Blythe Family Joe Blythe & the Grandich’s Peter Grandich Mary Grandich #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #fosterkids #fosterkidsmatter ... See MoreSee Less

There are so many people to thank for the over 1,500 toys 5Help distributed for Christmas 2024. This post represents what was given to support foster children that will be distributed by thevillagenj who does incredible work. We want to thank our wonderful partners the Conoscenti Family Cono Bartolo Jolene Conoscenti conoscuts_barbershop, Mr. Frank Pugliese from frogbridgedaycamp for his continued amazing generosity, Sonia Leonor, The Ragosa Family Maria Polacco Ragosa Emilio Ragosa, the Blythe Family Joe Blythe & the Grandich’s Peter Grandich Mary Grandich #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #fosterkids #fosterkidsmatterImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment
3 months ago

Over 2,000 books donated!! 5Help collaborated with the National English Honor Society at Allentown High School to collect books for BookSmiles. This donation will provide reading materials for teachers to distribute to children and families in need in Camden and other counties. Congratulations to @madiaresch and @heatherpaglia13 for leading a successful drive and to all the students and families who donated. We especially want to thank our 5Help volunteers who collected over 1,400 of these books including @jackhyer11 who collected over 400 books, @samarthdesai, @anayasingh, suryaash11, matthewdiamond, @jainilgandhi,& Drew Paglia. #5Help #BookDrive ... See MoreSee Less

Over 2,000 books donated!! 5Help collaborated with the National English Honor Society at Allentown High School to collect books for BookSmiles. This donation will provide reading materials for teachers to distribute to children and families in need in Camden and other counties. Congratulations to @madiaresch and @heatherpaglia13 for leading a successful drive and to all the students and families who donated. We especially want to thank our 5Help volunteers who collected over 1,400 of these books including @jackhyer11 who collected over 400 books, @samarthdesai, @anayasingh, suryaash11, matthewdiamond, @jainilgandhi,& Drew Paglia. #5Help #BookDriveImage attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment
4 months ago

Our terrific 5Help volunteers, who also are Allentown High School Leo Club members, were on hand to support the MOMS Club of Millstone Township’s Holiday fundraising event. Thank you for helping to make the event a success from set-up, serving, and clean-up. We know Santa and Mrs. Claus were a big hit with the children and their families. #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #holiday #holiday #fund #holidayfundraiser ... See MoreSee Less

Our terrific 5Help volunteers, who also are Allentown High School Leo Club members, were on hand to support the MOMS Club of Millstone Township’s Holiday fundraising event. Thank you for helping to make the event a success from set-up, serving, and clean-up. We know Santa and Mrs. Claus were a big hit with the children and their families.  #teensmakeadifference #charity #volunteer #5help #donations #donationswelcome #kidsmakeadifference #holiday #holiday #fund #holidayfundraiserImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
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Back To School Suppliesand Diaper Drive
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Where Does The $$$ Go

100% of ALL $ RAISED goes to support areas of need and crisis. Your donations will also support the VOLUNTEERS at the NJ EMS Task Force, Senior Citizens, Veterans, Food Banks, the homeless to name a few. You decide where you want your donation to support! You can support multiple efforts. Take our $5 Challenge!

Let’s be the CHANGE that is needed!

Show your support and make a DIFFERENCE!

Join the 5help Fundraising Team and CHALLENGE schools, colleges, fraternities, sororities, clubs, Boys & Girl Scouts, National Honor Societies, Key Clubs & more! 

Join the 5Help.org fundraising team as an individual or group. Virtual & on-site opportunities available!

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